by Daran Thomas | Apr 4, 2021 | Audi, Auto air conditioning, BMW Repairs, BMW Services, Brakes, Mini Cooper, Peak Auto, VOLKSWAGEN, Volvo Service
Some days in North Carolina it is not hot but it is just muggy. Best way around this awful feeling on your morning or afternoon commute it to press that wonderful button on your dash AC! This should clear up the fog on the inside of your windows and put a smile on... by Daran Thomas | Feb 24, 2021 | BMW Repairs, Brakes, Break Oil, Toyota, Volvo Service
Routine Auto Repair, Maintenance, and Service are the key to keeping your vehicle on the road. Whether you drive a car, SUV, or Minivan Peak Auto will help you keep your vehicle safe, comfortable, and reliable. Auto maintenance and service are very similar.... by Daran Thomas | Feb 23, 2021 | Brakes, Break Oil, Toyota, Volvo Service
Brakes, so, so, so important! Yes without brakes we cannot drive. In fact I always laugh when we get ice storm in Cary NC and I hear people say, oh I am fine driving I have 4 wheel drive. Oh yeah what happens when you wan to stop? Yes all wheel drive is great for... by Daran Thomas | Feb 13, 2021 | Audi, BMW Repairs, BMW Services, Brakes, Mercedes Benz Services, Oil, Peak Auto, Toyota, VOLKSWAGEN, Volvo Service, VW
The best location for an NC vehicle state inspection is right here next to the Cary Auto Mall at 833 US 64 w. Your North Carolina’s vehicle inspection is due every year prior to your registration. The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles requires every street... by Daran Thomas | Feb 1, 2021 | Audi, BMW Repairs, BMW Services, Land Rover, Mercedes Benz Services, Mini Cooper, Peak Auto, Toyota, VOLKSWAGEN, Volvo Service, VW
Peak Auto located next to the Cary Auto Mall at 833 US 64 w in Apex NC has created a sitemap. Peak Auto is your # 1 Dealer alternative for service of your BMW, Mini Cooper, Mercedes Benz, Audi, Volkswagen, Call Peak Auto if your live or work in the Cary NC, Apex NC,... by Daran Thomas | Dec 28, 2020 | Audi, BMW Repairs, BMW Services, Land Rover, Lexus, Mercedes Benz Services, Mercedes Repairs, Mini Cooper, Peak Auto, Toyota, VOLKSWAGEN, Volvo Service
BMW Quality Longlife-01 Fully Synthetic Motor Oil, why does it keep changing. For years we were all told by the BMW Dealer that the only motor oil for our BMW’s was made by Castrol but in 2015 BMW dropped this manufacturer and switched to Shell or in the US Pennzoil....